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queen’s new dress
女皇的新衣  detail>>
the witch queen of new orleans
新奥尔良的女巫  detail>>
in new style of dress
穿着新式衣服  detail>>
marys new dress
玛丽的新裙子  detail>>
she was wearing a new dress
她穿着新衣服  detail>>
the one with rachel’s new dress
瑞秋的新装  detail>>
this new dress becomes you
这件新衣服很合你身  detail>>
wear a new dress at the party
在聚会(上)穿一条新裙子  detail>>
she tried on her new dress
她试穿新衣  detail>>
her new dress fits her like a glove
她的新衣服正好可身  detail>>
i need a new pair of dress shoes
我需要一双新的皮鞋  detail>>
 n.  奎恩〔姓氏〕。  n.  1.皇后,王后。 2.女王,女皇,女帝;女酋长;女首脑。 ★在位君主是女王时,成语中...  detail>>
the queen
而著称 女王陛下 王后交响曲 维多利亚女王 英女皇 黛妃与女皇 黛妃与女王  detail>>
a dress
通常指 一条长裙  detail>>
 vt.  (dressed, 〔古语〕 drest; dressed, drest) 1.使穿衣,给…穿衣,打扮。 2.装饰,修饰;布置(橱窗等)。...  detail>>
dress as
装扮成…  detail>>
no dress
服装请便  detail>>
dress dress
是长裙  detail>>